Thursday, 21 April 2016

Kirsten Dunst says 'Fuck Everyone'

One of the first posts I made on Life of an Econ Student was this one titled 'I Hate Macro'. A few hours before a micro exam I could say the same thing about micro. So sick of these monotonic preferences and their pathetic attempts of quantifying non-quantifiable human interactions, coming up with ideal types and perfectly rational individuals. Rather than learning actual economics, knowledge that I can use and benefit from, I'm reduced to playing around with stories dressed up in fancy mathematical equations, miserably failing to approximate pretty much any economy.

I'm sure the Economics departments at Glasgow and Sydney will reimburse me for the time I suffered going through their micro-courses.

Perhaps my feeble attempts at being kinder and less arrogant are quite ruined. Especially since my love for Kirsten Dunst increased exponentially the other day when I watched her magically portraying Regan in Bachellorette (2012). I've loved her acting probably since Mona Lisa's Smile, and for some mysterious reason I was not aware of the hectic, wonderful, dominant and super-sassy Regan-role she played even four years ago. Shame on me, spending all my time studying, missing out on cool movies.

I'm of course referring to scenes like this one:

Regan's attitude to life, having partly gotten over her self-harm behaviour, is summarised in 'Fuck Everyone'. It doesn't matter what they think. It doesn't matter what they do. All that matters it what's good for you and those you care about, how that makes you feel and think. Fuck everyone. Even the way she says it is wonderful, #KirstenDunstInMyHeart.

Whenever it seems that nothing goes your way, big or small, I think of 'fuck everyone'. May it be evil political movements or not getting that job or promotion or admission to a certain university or PhD programme. Fuck. Everyone.

I'm gonna sing 'Downtown' at the top of my lugns, eat chocolate and do whatever I want until it feels better. Fuck. Everyone.

As I say, I guess that ruins my attempts of kindness. I hear comparative advantage is a thing. Maybe my comparative advantage lies in being rude and unfriendly?

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